Subscribing to:   University of Illinois Eat.Move.Save. Newsletter

Eating well and moving our bodies doesn’t have to break the bank. Through free education and inspirational ideas, we empower personal change for lasting outcomes. We believe that eating well and staying active is for everybody— and that’s why we work hard to make it easy to live happier, healthier lives.

You will receive an email once each month. We will not sell your email address or use it for other purposes.

For more information about Eat.Move.Save., visit


Comer bien y mantener nuestros cuerpos activos no tiene por qué ser costoso. A través de formación gratuita e ideas inspiradoras, facilitamos el cambio personal con resultados duraderos. Estamos convencidos de que una dieta saludable y una vida activa están al alcance de todos; y por eso nos esforzamos porque sea posible vivir vidas más felices y saludables.

Recibirá un correo electrónico una vez al mes. No venderemos su dirección de correo electrónico ni la usaremos con otros propósitos.

Para conocer más información sobre Eat.Move.Save., visite


This institution is an equal opportunity provider. This material is funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - SNAP and Expanded Nutrition and Food Education Program - EFNEP. College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. University of Illinois Extension * United States Department of Agriculture * Local Extension Councils Cooperating. University of Illinois at Chicago: | University of Illinois Extension: